May 06, 2022 Military Aviation News

Kaliningrad: Russia’s ‘unsinkable aircraft carrier’ deep in Nato territory


The Russian Baltic Fleet has announced that it carried out a series of simulated missile strikes of its nuclear-capable Iskander system. This is not the first time that the Russian exclave – roughly the size of Northern Ireland and wedged between Nato and EU members Poland and Lithuania – has made the headlines as part of Russia’s sabre-rattling.

Russia – Ukraine War 2022 – Air Support Turns to Unmanned Assets


The Russians made extensive use of air support by combat aircraft and helicopters. Airstrike missions were launched from airfields in Russia at targets on the front lines in the north, center, and east. Airstrikes were directed primarily at urban targets, while helicopters mainly engaged Ukraine forces in the open areas. Airstrikes employed Su-25, Su-24, and Su-34, while Su-30 provided air cover.

“On The Prowl” — Chinese Y-8 Anti-Sub Aircraft Joins J-20 Fighters, Aircraft Carrier Battle Group For Combat Ops


In what could be seen as a tough response, a Chinese Y-8 anti-submarine warfare aircraft reportedly conducted a maritime patrol mission near the island of Taiwan on May 3, Global Times reported. There have been speculations that the Y-8 aircraft was involved in an accident in March this year.

South Korea seeks to replace its aging F-4 and F-5 fighters as soon as possible


During the Korea Security and Defense Forum held on May 4 in Seoul, a proposal was made to add more FA-50, F-35, and KF-21 fighter jets to shorten the replacement period of its F-4 Phantom and F-5 Tiger II fighters, by three to five years. According to local media news2day, the question was raised at the Air Force Power Development Direction Seminar was held, where the need to accelerate the decommissioning of its older fighter jets to replace them with new «up to date» aircraft was discussed.

Japanese Fighters, Warships Shadow Chinese Navy Strike Group As PLA ‘Flexes Its Muscles’ In The Western Pacific


On Tuesday, the Japanese defense ministry said that the refurbished Soviet-origin PLA’s Kuznetsov-class carrier was photographed launching out and collecting its ship-borne fighter J-15s and early warning helicopter Z-18s. The Ministry also stated that China’s Liaoning aircraft carrier and six accompanying naval warships are undertaking military drills with fighter jets and helicopters in the Western Pacific Ocean.

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