April 28, 2021 Military Aviation News

It’s Time to Talk About J-15, China’s First Carrierborne Fighter


As the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN)’s first ever carrierborne fighter, the J-15 Fei Sha (Flying Shark) has been the focus of substantial English language and foreign media coverage since its maiden flight in August 2009. On cursory review of various Chinese fighter types, perhaps only the J-20 and FC-31 stealth fighters have received more foreign interest (and prompted a greater word count) than the J-15.

Taiwan reports lowest altitude incursion by Chinese military plane


Taiwanese military intercepted a Chinese spy plane apparently trying to test Taiwan's radar capabilities by flying at an extremely low altitude of only 30 meters. On Monday, Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense announced that a Y-8 electronic warfare plane (Y-8 EW) and a Y-8 tactical reconnaissance aircraft (Y-8 RECCE) intruded into Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), Taiwan News reported.

How Israel's Special F-35 Stealth Fighters Could Bomb Iran


The Israeli military continues to engineer new external fuel tanks for its specially configured “Adir” variant of the F-35 stealth fighter jet. The Adir, or F-35I, is an aircraft tailored by Israel for unique mission sets particular to address the kinds of enemy threats Israeli forces are likely to encounter. Simply put, extra fuel tanks can massively extend strike range and multiply combat options for Israel, should it be confronted with an operational need to attack enemies at greater distance

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