July 22, 2020 Military Aviation News

Developed For Turkey, Stealth F-35 Jets Will Finally Get Delivered To The US Air Force


The US said that it is expelling Turkey from its F-35 fighter jets programme after Ankara received the first parts of a Russian air defence system. The US says the “F-35 cannot coexist with a Russian intelligence-collection platform that will be used to learn about its advanced capabilities”.

Indian Navy’s MiG-29K fighter jets to be deployed in Northern Ladakh sector


At a time when Indian Navy’s P-8I surveillance planes are carrying out frequent sweeps over the Eastern Ladakh sector, the Navy’s maritime fighter jets MiG-29K will be deployed in the Northern sector for operations. The deployment of the naval fighter aircraft at the Indian Air Force (IAF) bases is in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s directives for enhancing jointness between the three services and Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat’s call for the possibility of deployment.

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