October 20, 2013 Military Aviation News

US to sell $10.8bn in missiles to Saudis, UAE


The move follows a series of US weapons deals in recent years that have bolstered the air power and missile arsenals of Gulf States, which view Iran as a menacing rival with nuclear ambitions. The pending sale comes as the United States and five other major powers pursue high-stakes diplomacy on Iran’s disputed nuclear program, with talks this week portrayed as positive by both sides.

Saudi Arabia Turns Down UN Security Council Seat


In declining to accept a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council that it had actively sought for two years, Saudi Arabia pouted that it could not abide by the Security Council’s “double-standards.” Saudi Arabia had just won the seat last Thursday at a UN General Assembly election, along with Chad, Chile, Lithuania and Nigeria.

Red Eagles: America’s secret MiGs


The title is both subtle and clever, red for the communist aircraft designs flown and eagles for the pilots from the USA who tested them. The aircraft addressed by author Steve Davies (one of the Red Eagle pilots) are the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG 17 “Fresco”, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG 21 “Fishbed” and Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG 23 “Flogger” — each individual aircraft given a program name which began with HAVE (e.g., HAVE DOUGHNUT for the MiG 21 flight testing in early 1968).

Russian Military Inspectors to Fly Over NATO Territory


Russia will begin Sunday monitoring flights over NATO members Slovakia and the Czech Republic under the international Open Skies Treaty, the Russian Defense Ministry said. “A group of Russian inspectors is scheduled to conduct surveillance flights over Slovakia and the Czech Republic on board an An-30B aircraft from October 20 to 26 as part of the implementation of the international Open Skies Treaty,”.

Russia Close to Ink Air Defense Deal With Brazil – Minister


Russia and Brazil are at the final stages of talks on the delivery of Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense systems to the Latin American country, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said. A Russian delegation, led by Shoigu, visited Brazil to discuss prospects of bilateral defense and space cooperation, including the sales of Pansir-S1 and Igla missile systems, during the Latin American tour on October 14-17.

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