March 03, 2013 Military Aviation News

UTC Aerospace Systems to provide EO/IR reconnaissance pods for Turkish Air Force F-16 combat aircraft


UTC Aerospace Systems, a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX), won a contract to provide the advanced DB-110 airborne reconnaissance system on the F-16 platform for the Turkish Airborne Reconnaissance Program (TARP).



Dubbed the “entente frugale” by wags and criticised by some as a dangerous dilution of military sovereignty, Franco-British defence cooperation is nonetheless growing stronger. Shrinking budgets, a less indulgent United States and Europe’s diminishing military clout in the world have bolstered the two countries’ determination to work together.

Chad army claims they killed man responsible for attack on Algeria gas plant


Chad's military chief announced on state television late Saturday that his troops deployed in northern Mali had killed Moktar Belmoktar, the terrorist who orchestrated the attack on a natural gas plant in Algeria that left 36 foreigners dead.

U.S. Navy Sets Budget-cutting Plans in Motion


Moving ahead with plans to execute further budget-cutting actions — but stopping short of enacting major cuts — the U.S. Navy on Saturday issued orders to plan and prepare to cancel and shut down a variety of operations and procurement efforts. The moves are in response to a presidential directive signed Friday evening by President Obama to begin the forced federal spending cuts known as sequestration.

Navy hones combat skills with major exercise in Arabian Sea


The Navy has fine-tuned its operational strategy and honed its combat skills after a major exercise, which saw both the western and eastern fleets come together for intensive manoeuvres, in the Arabian Sea over the last 30 days.

China claims new fighter jet can operate in 1,000 km radius


As it rapidly modernises its military, China today claimed that its new J-15 fighter jet which will operate from its recently-acquired aircraft carrier, can cover a radius of 1,000 kms in attack missions. The J-15 fighter jet is able to cover an area with a radius of over 1,000 km on attack missions, Sun Cong, a chief designer of the plane told state-run Xinhua news agency.

Defence plan 'shoots for moon'


Deep spending cuts mean Australia must develop a new national security strategy relying on a less potent defence force than is currently planned, the Gillard government has been warned. The navy's planned fleet of 12 big submarines could have to be cut back to six smaller boats and the number of Joint Strike Fighters to be bought reduced from 100 to as few as 30 if the government does not intend to restore defence spending.

Crenshaw: 20 Super Tucano Light Air Support Planes to be Built in Jacksonville


Office of the House of Representative Ander Crenshaw, U.S Government has issued the following News Release: – Congressman Ander Crenshaw, a member of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, today (2/27) lauded the Air Force’s announcement of a $950 million contract for 20 Super Tucano light air support (LAS) aircraft to Sierra Nevada and its partner, Embraer. The decision means the creation of at least 50 high-skilled jobs in Northeast Florida.

Lockheed Martin may consider changes to the design that could alter the weight and speed of the aircraft. Military spokespersons remain unruffled.


The proposed move is announced after yet another problem was found with one of the aircraft during an inspection. A cracked turbine blade on one plane was discovered last week, but tests have shown that this was a unique problem. The Pentagon grounded the entire fleet, but has now lifted the no-fly.

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